Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Theology 10 Test 3-1 2020

It's that time again...
Below you will find everything you need to prepare for the 3rd Quarter Test, which is currently scheduled for Thursday, March 12. 

Section I: Matching Names/Terms/Concepts
50 of the names/terms/concepts on the Quizlet below will appear as terms to match to their definition or description.
  • Each term is worth 1 point each, 50 points total this section.

Section II: Essays
Choose TWO of the questions below, and be prepared to answer each one in class on the day of the test. You may not use any notes on the day of the test, but you may certainly prepare your answer in advance. The essays you choose is the ones you answer- you do not need to be prepared to answer any other question from this list. I suggest about a length of about a page for each answer.

  1. The Book of Judges is considered controversial because of its depiction of the practice of the "ban" and stories involving the mistreatment of women. Discuss the examples of these issues we considered in class, then explain what purpose these stories serve in the total narrative of the Deuteronomistic History. Why is it mistaken to see these stories as examples of moral problems with the Bible, as opposed to seeing them as highlighting moral problems in the Bible?
  2. Explain the significance of King David in the Old Testament, and discuss how his reign came to shape Jewish expectations of a future messiah. Be sure to include in your answer examples of how/why those expectations are found in the oracles of the Latter Prophets and the Psalms. Give examples of ways in which those expectations shape the gospel portrayals of Jesus.
  3. The religion the Jews brought back from the Babylonian Exile is considered distinct in numerous ways from the religion they left behind, and from the religions they found in the regions of the former Divided Monarchy to which they returned. Explain the differences between these religions; explain why some Jews chose to remain in Babylon, and what was distinct about the practice of Judaism in the Diaspora.
  4. Discuss the religious 'syncretism' between Judaism and the worldviews with which it came in contact during the exilic and post-exilic periods. Explain the influence of Babylonian mythology, Zoroastrianism, and Hellenism on Biblical literature, focusing specifically on concepts such as angelology, demonology, and the concept 'Satan.'
  5. The problem of Theodicy became an increasingly important issue for Judaism after the Exiles. Explain what the problem is, then explain how and why Judaism's answer to the problem evolved as a result of its exposure to other cultures and belief systems. Relate your answer to the Deuteronomistic, Prophetic, and Apocalyptic Cycles discussed in class.
  6. Discuss the explanations for two literary contradictions in the Hebrew Bible. First, explain the problem with the Messianic Promise or Davidic covenant related by God to David in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. Second, explain the problem with the census conducted by David as described in 2 Samuel and again in 1 Chronicles. How does understanding the history that lies behind the text help us to understand and resolve these contradictions?
  7. What is the difference between Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature, both in terms of content and interpretation? What are the examples of Apocalyptic Literature in the Bible, and how do we know? How should Apocalyptic literature be understood, and how is it often misunderstood? What is the relevance of this issue to understanding the New Testament?
  8. Using The Truman Show, explain Plato's 'Allegory of the Cave.' Briefly explain what the Allegory is about and discuss what each element of the Allegory symbolizes. Discuss how the allegory illustrates Plato's philosophy, and how it has been used as a model for both education and spirituality in the West. Finally, relate Plato's philosophy and the allegory to the New Testament.

The Class Presentations

If you need them, I've provided links to PDFs of the PowerPoints I used in class. Remember that you are always required to take notes, and you are expected to have your notes in class every day, so if you are missing answers to questions in your notes pages, make sure to use these presentations to address that.