
Miscellaneous Nonsense
is the best way to describe all the random posts, links, and other content found on this page. If I thought it would be of remote interest to my students, I put it here. If you'd like to recommend something for this page, you can always email me at rmartin@cghsnc.org, and I'll check it out. If it meets my criteria for inclusion (I have no idea what those might be), I'll add it. Enjoy.

  • Existential Comics
    Mondays really aren't that great, and people who like Mondays probably have some sort of vitamin deficiency or genetic abnormality. In any case, they need treatment. For the rest of us, why not make your Monday a little brighter by checking in with Existential Comics? There's a new one posted every Monday. I also post direct links to some of my favorites when they are relevant to class topics. You'll see those links on the pages for specific presentations.
  • Despair
    I've always loved this site...something about it resonates with me. I can't imagine why.

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