
Film and Philosophy
go together like peanut butter and jelly. Here you'll find the one-stop source for my fascination with movies (especially horror), along with links to film and philosophy resources. I do occasionally get the impulse to comment on a movie in a manner not unlike that of a "reviewer." But I am not a critic, just a cinephile. My comments are posted on the blog, but they are (will be) cataloged below.

To My Students:
If you are on this page because you are looking for information to assist with the completion of your Philosophy and Film project (for Foundations) or your Religion and Film project (for World Religions), here are some resources:
  • My Film Recommendation List is a blog post that I update from time to time, containing a list of movies usable for either project. The list was originally created for Foundations, so the brief descriptions are intended more for that class, but this is still a useful starting point in either case.
  • Rotten Tomatoes is arguably the definitive review aggregator. I recommend it as the best place to get a sense of how a movie was received. I do suggest being careful with the information...not all the critics who get their reviews posted on RT are professionals, and some of them have pretty obvious ideological axes to grind.
  • Metacritic is another excellent review aggregator, and in some ways preferable to RT. It's worth your while to check both sites when researching a film choice.
  • The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) is a great resources for all kinds of background information about your film choice, although I wouldn't necessarily recommend it as the place to start looking for that choice.
  • Box Office Mojo is where you'll go to find out information about a film's success. The site has both domestic and international revenue reports.
  • Like Stories of Old is a Youtube page dedicated to exploring philosophical and religious themes in movies. Might be worth a look to see if your movie has been the subject of a video.

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